Here’s a selection of images from previous work. Beer events, festivals (Photo: Ryan Walsh) Public speaking (Brewers Lectures) Events, beer tastings (Photo: Laura Hadland) Panel hosting, women in beer (Peakender 2023) Events, PR (Photo: Nicci Peet) Hosting, livestream, beer tastings Public speaking, events Public speaking (Women of the World Festival, London), image credit Renata Boruch Feature writing, beer (Article in Scran magazine) Events, festivals (Photo: Ryan Walsh) Media relations, TV Beer events, festivals (Photo: Ryan Walsh) Events, beer festivals (Photo: Rachel Auty) Special events, beer (Photo: Rachel Auty) Panels and conferences (Photo: Nicci Peet) Photography, campaigns (Photo: Claire McClean) Events, activism (Photo: Ryan Walsh) Producer, film (Collaboration with This Film - click image to play film) Campaigns, design commissions (Design: Liv Hedges) Marketing, festivals (Photo: Rachel Auty) Panels, hosting (Friends & Family Festival, Manchester 2020) Fundraising events (Photo: James Sant) Feature writing Digital events and virtual festivals Events, beer festivals, activism (Photo: Ryan Walsh) Festivals, films, documentary (Credit: This Film - click image to play film) Beer events, festivals (Photo: Ryan Walsh) Special events (Photo: James Sant) Fundraising events, beer (Photo: James Sant) Fundraising events (Photo: James Sant) Beer events, festivals (Photo: Ryan Walsh) Broadcasting, digital media PR, festivals (Photo: Rachel Auty) Special events, tastings (Photo: Rachel Auty) Special events, beer (Photo: Rachel Auty) Media relations, TV Special events, talks (Photo: Rachel Auty) Feature writing, beer (Photo: Rachel Auty) Special events, beer (Photo: Rachel Auty) Fundraising events (Photo: Rachel Auty) Special events, tastings (Photo: Rachel Auty) Feature writing (Photo: Rachel Auty) Virtual events, beer (Photo: Rachel Auty) Digital content, interviews (Click image to listen) Beer events, festivals (Photo: Ryan Walsh) Talks and conferences (Photo: Nicci Peet) Live music events (Photo: Nicci Peet) Beer tastings (Photo: Nicci Peet) Beer tastings (Photo: Nicci Peet) Beer events, festivals, merchandise Special events, live music (Photo: Fern Dalton) Virtual events, music (Photo: Rachel Auty) Design and branding, festivals (Photo: Fern Dalton) Branding, merchandise (Photo: Rachel Auty) Special events, festivals (Photo: Rachel Auty) Beer events (Photo: Nicci Peet) Beer events, festivals (Photo: Fern Dalton) Special events (Photo: Rachel Auty)